Aug 20, 2023Liked by M. M. De Voe

1. "I always have a jigsaw puzzle in progress. They help me remember to focus on problems one small bite at a time, they remind me there are many ways to look at an issue, and they deliver a necessary rush of dopamine as I walk past and discover a piece that fits perfectly." On the one hand, this would drive me nuts (and has). On the other, I'm much better off when I can focus one bite at a time. Not nearly often enough. I always want the whole, complete thing. Which is why I've always had trouble with picking up big skills like playing instruments or learning foreign languages.

2. "Why on earth does it give me pleasure to actively make a task harder?" You are a juggler.

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True on both counts. It is hard to let go of wanting the whole thing done immediately (but for this there is Wordle)

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A college friend grew up with a father who insisted it was cheating for anyone to see the picture on the puzzle box. One of those other-people's-families things that you discover and are gobsmacked by--just as she was astounded that we would put the cover of the box right there on the table. We love puzzles. Did a lot during covid.

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puzzles are the BEST

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Aug 20, 2023·edited Aug 20, 2023

I can't even have full mouth dental X-rays due to having a "shallow mouth bed" ?? or something. But now you have revealed the TRUTH. Thank you!

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truly - if they can make whole beds out of form-foam, could they not do this for stupid teeth x-rays? Disposable film? Come on.

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