I liked the weekly blog, as usual. While aware that you did not build off of the title, I do have some thoughts about "avoiding cliche." I think cliche is helpful to an extent, as we all think in patterns, and familiar groups of words help us read more efficiently. The problem with cliche is that it is boring to some, and we like to think of ourselves as the kinds of readers who can be bored. There is an elitism to thinking that a passage is cliche -- a healthy elitism, I think.

As a writer, I don't think one can or should make an effort to avoid cliche. If you try, you will probably fall into it! Cliche is a symptom of mediocre thinking, not a cause. But I don't think it's unavoidable. I don't that some writers are naturally original and others never so. I think the cure for cliche is probing more deeply.

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I very much like the idea that the cure for cliche is probing more deeply - I love the idea that deep thinking can create something special from a cliche. Thanks for the comment!

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the obituary about your mother-in-law is such a wonderful portrait- I repeat- you sound so much like her-all that energy and creativity-

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Thank you for saying so—she was incredible

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